A mysterious lady in a blonde wig and an emotional scene with Bobby and Pam from 1985.
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Question by Smartie: What is the difference between cleaning a stain right after you get it and waiting for a while.?
I’m doing a science fair projects about stains and I want to know what is the difference between cleaning a stain right after you get it and aftter you get it for a while. Like, would cleaning it right after you get it make the stain easier to come out ?

Also answer this if you can :
What are some different methods to clean clothes?
And what stains the most :
-grape juice
-tomato juice

Thats it !
And a creative title!

Best answer:

Answer by sweetpea
It’s like writing with an erasable pen. The longer the ink stays on the paper, the harder it is to erase.

1. tomato juice and ketchup are the same, for me the hardest – cold water and Fels Naptha soap, sometimes need more than one application
2. oil – HOT water and Fels Naptha soap
3. coffee – cold water and Fels Naptha soap
4. red wine and grape juice are the same – hydrogen peroxide and salt

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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  1. The red fingernails well grommed was a tip off as well.

  2. Yeah, that was not the least bit suspenseful. Everyone knew it was Katherine with a bad wig on. She had tried to kill Bobby twice before in the previous year and the show used the same “stalking” camera work when she went to the hospital to inject poison into Bobby. What really got me is how Bobby just dismissed the fact Katherine shot him and then tried to poison him. He just brushed off JR & Jenna’s concerns by saying “I know she won’t try again.” And that was that. Stupid.

  3. Someone was clearly stalking Pam outside her house before the dream season, and I’m assuming now that it’s Katherine, but there’s no sign of her on Bobby’s resurrection. The same thing happened with Dusty. If you recall, he came back into Sue Ellen’s life as she once more hit the bottle. Again, it was before the dream, but there was no sight nor sound of him when Pam woke up.

  4. They just wanted to brush as much of that under the carpet as they could. Patrick Duffy worked better for Dallas in the long run, but the show and the ratings were never blockbuster after they dream seasoned this. Sure this part wasn’t really part of the “dream,” but it might as well been part of it because anyone with half a brain had to know it was Katherine doing all of this after she fled.

  5. One thing though, how come Kathy is nowhere to be seen after the dream? I guess she had a change of mind during it.

  6. Notice how Pat D nods his head when Pam says “thanks for coming” LMAO!

  7. The emotions between B&P run high!

  8. We never did find out what happened to the tomato juice lady once Pam woke up. And what kind of newscast is giving a recap of the Ewing family’s latest foibles?

  9. Well, fresh stains are the easiest to take out. “Set in” stains are way more challenging. Cleaning it right after you get a stain on your clothing, etc., is WAY easier! Some different methods to clean clothes:
    – Dry cleaning clothes.
    – Washing clothes with a washing machine and using a dryer to dry them.
    – Hand washing clothes and air drying them.
    – Washing them with an old-fashioned washing board and then air drying them.

    Oil, coffee, ketchup, grape juice, tomato juice, and wine all stain HORRIBLY. However, if I had to choose one, I would choose the juices, wine, or the coffee. Hope that helped. Good luck on your project!

  10. What the difference is–if you spill something on your clothing and you rinse it out right away in stead of waiting. Chances are you will get the stain out. Now if you wait until it dries it is a lot harder to get out and you may never get it out which in turn will ruin your clothing.

    Washing by hand
    Dry Cleaning
    Using a Washing machine
    Using a Wash board
    Using a Wringer Washer

    Fresh food stain, caused from anything that you have eaten.
    Drink stains (coffee. tea, soda pop, juice) caused from anything that you have spilled on you while drinking.
    smelly laundry stains,
    body odor stains, caused from sweating
    baby stains,
    pet stains. Hope this helps.

  11. If you do not wash the stain out right away, it may not come out. Or my not completely come out. So, if you cannot wash the item right away, try this. I have a homemade stain removal. In a spray bottle put one cup of each : dish washing soap, ammonia and water. This mixture removes anything! It removed three month old nail polish from a gray carpet. The nail polish was red!

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