Untitled Cherry Tomato Animation

Untitled Cherry Tomato Animation

A project done by my lovely companion and I one evening in Philadelphia. (No tomatoes were harmed in the making of this piece.)
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Question by michelle v: if tomato plants have larger blooms does that mean the tomatoes will be larger?

Best answer:

Answer by Sandyspacecase
No,it just means they are healthy and happy. The size depends on their genes.

Add your own answer in the comments!

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  1. Awesome vid, how long did this take to film?

  2. The size of tomatoes is determined by the variety you plant. If you plant a beefstake tomato you will get a large tomato. If you plant a cherry tomato you will get a small tomato. If you plant a plant like early girl you will get a midsized tomato. Some will be larger and some a bit smaller on the same plant.

    I have never compared bloom size. The blooms always look the same to me no matter what variety I plant. Never-the-less I’m sure it makes no difference what the bloom size is. To get the Maximum size of those you plant the care you give it it is more important than the bloom size

  3. No, but it could mean a better chance at pollination and therefore improved yields. The bigger the flowers, the more likely they are to attract pollinating insects.

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