סלט מוצרלה ועגבניות שרי- Cherry Tomato and Mozzarella Salad

סרטון הדרכה להכנת סלט עגבניות שרי ומוצרלה, הפוסט המלא זמין באתר שלי בלינק: http://sweetmisspudding.wordpress.com/2013/05/13/napolitana/
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Question by nabiya: Danger to eating basil or tomatoes with Sevin? I have a beetle problem!?
I just bought a hanging basket with basil (the tiny leaf variety) growing on the top, and a cherry tomato plant hanging out of the bottom. Beetles have moved in on it, especially the basil. When I try to flick them off, they fall into the bottom of the planter and I can’t get them out. Ugh.
I read that Sevin might help, but then if I use that, should I be worried about eating the basil later? Tomatoes can wash easily, but the basil leaves are TINY and will be really hard to wash well! Any advice welcome!

Best answer:

Answer by meanolmaw

try controlling the beetle population by hand first…. a coffee can with soapy water in it, held under the plant where the beetles are, tap the bug or the leaf and they will fall into the water and drown…. it’s a less toxic manner in which to fight the beasties….. but Sevin could be used if you’ll not harvest for a couple weeks…..but you’d best read and research so you feel you’re safe in using it…. the label will help you a lot… read it closely….

I couldn’t find the one for dust… this is for a water soluble mix…down the pages is how long after use you can harvest….the spray says three days for tomatoes…


this and the ‘two weeks’ are just guidelines… read YOUR label and be sure…. I know there’s a lot of folks who won’t go after the bugs by hand, but SEVIN is for INFESTATIONS not just a few bugs on one plant!!!… the killing of thousands of bees is not worth you getting a little bit more basil or a couple ‘perfect’ tomatoes!!…. please use great care with that stuff!!!

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