2 of 5: How to Prune, Stake and Remove Suckers from a Young Tomato

It is important to train your young tomato plants. This video with give you the basics for training your your tomato by removing leaves and suckers. It also …
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Question by Jess: Planting tomato seeds?
Can I plant the seeds out of a regular size tomato to grow a tomato plant?

Best answer:

Answer by Adam Grant
You sure can! But you will want to cultivate them indoors until the seedlings are big enough to transplant into your greenhouse, your garden or a container. I just wrote an article on my site that I think will help you:
Good luck!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. It is more of an art then exact science. I always recommend not to take
    more then 1/3 of the green at a time. But you see how tomatoes like to
    grow. When in doubt prune less. Youll still get lots of tomatoes!

  2. This is where I get tripped up on. How far to go. I swear I have removed
    half of the foliage and the plant is going to die, but it seems to became
    stronger. I have left nothing but a few leaves at the top and they still
    take off like crazy. I just don’t know sometimes how far to go. I will wait
    to see your video you talked about.

  3. I ended up putting them in larger pots for now…they’re inside under a
    fluorescent light and are looking mighty impressive (biggest is coming up
    on 2 feet tall and that’s AFTER I trimmed the bottom branches off and
    planted it deeper into the new pot). Really want to get them in a garden at
    our new home but the closing date keeps getting pushed back! So far, I have
    yet to notice any suckers developing…maybe it’s because they are still
    young? Anyways, thank you very much for the info. ~Bob

  4. Appreciated!. I hope to keep the useful.

  5. indiangardener.blogspot.in/

  6. Gary, I’ve been watching your videos and I’m overwhelmed lol! You have such
    a wealth of knowledge. I should have started on your videos in the winter,
    so I’d be prepared for now. I’ll keep watching and learning. I’m grateful
    for these videos.

  7. Argh with the closing date pain. Impressive tomatoes though. They will be
    in 5 gallon containers before you know it.

  8. Thanks for taking the time to watch them. I enjoy the process. I just
    planted 15 tomatoes this weekend.

  9. I enjoy your videos…they are quite informative. Thanks for sharing!

  10. This is a great video as far as information…but since I’m a beginner,
    it’s hard for me to see whether you were trimming the bottom branches off
    all of the way up to the main stem or not, and also what the suckers
    actually look like. Any tips would be appreciated! And while I’m at it, I
    might as well ask you what you think I should do with my baby tomato plants
    (about 4-5″ high with plenty of leaves already) but the roots are starting
    to grow through and outside of the biodegradable pots :-/

  11. Thanks for this video on pruning suckers. I am new to gardening and last
    spring I purchased an aeroponic tower garden (a vertical growing system.) I
    didn’t do any pruning last year (didn’t know I should) & I just want to
    thank you because I watched a lot of videos on this & yours was the best. I
    am ready to go out to “the jungle” & give it a go.:)

  12. Pretty much to the main stem. The look like tomato plant tips coming out of
    the joint. If they are coming out the pot… get them in the ground soon or
    move them to a bigger pot. If they are going in ground within a week, I
    would worry.

  13. Yes, but there are issues. #1, if it is an heirloom tomato you harvested the seed from, and the seed is properly processed prior to planting, you have higher than a 90% chance of the tomato that grows to be exactly like the one you removed the seed from. If it a hybrid tomato the seed came from you have a very small chance of the tomato that grows being like the original. It takes about 5 months for the seed to grow a plant with ripe tomatoes. This late in the season I would suggest you buy a plant, and I prefer heirlooms.

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