8 month douge de bordeux pup vs CHERRY TOMATO gets messy

8 month douge de bordeux pup vs CHERRY TOMATO gets messy

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Question by Brady: Favorite Tomato Varieties?
What are your favorite tomato varieties….

For general fresh eating, early ripening, canning, cherry/grape, & unusual hybrids?

Which varieties do you suggest avoiding & why?

Best answer:

Answer by redunicorn
I like beefsteak tomatoes.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. lol lmao andy its lee

  2. I usually buy tomatoes as little plants from a nursery or Walmart “greenhouse” so it limits selection. I did however start a few seeds this year – Celebrity hybrid tomatoes and Oregon Spring tomatoes – both from NK Seeds. I don’t like those huge tomatoes so much so I chose varieties that don’t get so God-awful big. Oregon Spring tomatoes are early to ripen. Remember tomatoes like lots of sun and water them frequently.

  3. Try Pink or red Brandywine, these have stood the test of time for over 100 years

    These are heirlooms Slicer, juice running down the elbow, if eaten like an apple.

    Paul Roberson, a Brown tomato, 1 to 2 LB

    Canning, Rutgers circa 1927 (I make soups, and catsup with these) Also heirloom used in Campbells soups for many years

    BTW want to learn more about tomatoes I co-own a Yahoo group tomatomania @ yahoogroups .com

    This is mostly heirloom tomatoes and organic growing

  4. My favorite tomatoes to grow are Brandywine and Purple Cherokee– heirloom tomatoes. Great taste and the Purple Cherokee is a purplish color and very unique. My favorite cherry tomatoes are Sweet 100 and Sunsugar is the extreme best.
    It is a yellow cherry tomato that is extremely sweet–love it and must have them. I like Roma’s for salsa’s and when other tomatoes get eaten in the garden by animals, they stay away from the Roma’s. I love all tomatoes and don’t know of any to avoid. It is all depending on preference

  5. One of my favorites is Sungold. They are about ping-pong ball sized and have excellent taste. I grow them in a small unheated greenhouse due to our oceanic climate and they keep bearing into November.

  6. Never heard of Sungold. I like nice big plump 1s. Im partial to Glory Tomatoes. Good for making salsas. Never knew there were over 40 varieties of tomatoes til I got this catalog from neseed.com ~ its free too. *smile*

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