Super sweet 100 tomato

Super sweet tomatoes, great fresh for a smack.
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Question by Matthew C: What is the best temperature for tomatoes and peppers?
I live in Ohio and recently planted tomato and sweet pepper seeds in small seed starting pots. The temp. during the day is around 67-75 and the night temp is around 51-55. I am worried about that being too cold to start germination. I do not have a heating mat so should I keep them inside for a couple weeks? Also, how often should I water?

Best answer:

Answer by Marduk
Germination temp is 70F and growing temp is 50F minimum. I would keep them inside. You water then cover with plastic to retain moisture. If medium dries add a little moisture. There are 2 problems, mold and rot. If you water too much seeds will rot and/or you will encourage mold. Start in Coco disks and/or sterile seed starting mixture to keep problems to a minimum. Be patient as it takes time. Worst comes to worst you will go to garden center, not big box store, and buy plants. I’ve been doing this for over 30 years and I start seeds and I buy plants. I know what is worth doing in either case and buying plants is easier in many of cases. Try growing seed and see how you do. Practice makes perfect. I now have 150 seedlings going strong. It took me years to get the hang of it. Read articles on the subject like I did.

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  1. steve do you have a face book?

  2. Hot

  3. You seem to know what you are doing. Right now, your plants are o.k., because they are not fruiting, and by the time they start to produce, your night temperatures will be 60 or above. Covering your pots with clear plastic bottles bottoms of which are removed might help.

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