Pruning Tomato Plants and Overburdened Fruit Trees.

There is a short video showing what’s going on on the farm, I’m going to demonstrate exactly what a sucker stem on a tomato plant is and just how well a Plum…
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Question by Katie: What are the effects of fertilizers on Brandywine tomato plants?
I am doing a science experiment on the effects of two different fertilizers on tomato plants. The two fertilizers that i am using are Atlantis Fish Fertilizer and Miracle Gro. I would like to know if anyone has done a similar experiment and what your results were. Please answer soon! thank you

Best answer:

Answer by Kaviani999
Bad idea!
Only compare fertilizers with matching profiles- the “N-P-K” numbers on the packaging should match. Atlantis has 2-4-0, so you should match that. Miracle Gro may well have one that fits that profile, but you would need to verify.

Brandywines are only superficially different from other tomatoes- their leaves look more like potato leaves than tomato leaves, and the fruit are pinkish with green “shoulders”. They respond to fertilizers like any other tomato.

Give your answer to this question below!


  1. 9 Secrets you didn’t know before, on How to Grow Great Tomato Plants:
    growtomatoestips. com

  2. good info on the tomatoes. needed it, seeing how i have 36 plants growing this year.

  3. All looking great David, very informative as well

  4. Tree energy? Is that AC or DC Dave lol. Seriously an informative and interesting video, thanks – and non political too:)

  5. sir, have you thought of doing a video on how to plant and grow corn? I cant seem to get it right, I don’t know if im planting deep enough, I watered the stalks every day while giving it miracle grow, but the ears are practically bare(a few kernels here and there), there was some kind of growth on the side, and I could put fingers between the ground and the bottom of the stalk, right in between the roots. can you tell me what I might be doing wrong?

  6. Both versions are correct in a way. The sucker in between the branch and the vine will produce a new vine that will flower and produce fruit. But it will also cause the plant to be cumbersome and also split the nutrients between the two vines. Some people prune everything below the first fruit. Some people don’t even bother with pruning at all. Tomatoes produce an substantial amount of fruit either way.

  7. If your looking for a really good inverter for small electronics(120v), Morningstar makes the Suresine 300.

  8. In Ohio I have loved my Bing Cherry trees. Great little producers and the make a great pie. The don’t get more than 6 feet tall or so, so they are easy to harvest.

  9. Good video, dsarti1.
    It’s a good idea to plant trees that produce something besides leaves.
    A garden in containers can be grown anywhere with sunshine. I’ve seen tomatoes plants in five-gallon containers. (The kind tossed out by gardening centers)
    +I grew potatoes in sacks for two-years. I saw Kentucky-badbrain do it on a video, & gave it a try.
    Real gardening-knowledge & skills take years of practice to develop. Shooting skills can be developed within a few weeks.

  10. I live in northern Michigan, I was harvesting Green Beans & strawberries in February growing in my kitchen with no special lighting.

  11. I really enjoy looking at your farm.

  12. you do want to pulll the leaf you said to pull and the little ones in between the little ones will turn inot a sucker

  13. Nice video dsarti :-) I’m curious, what does the mulberry tree fruit taste like?

  14. Wow, bringin forth alot of Fruit/Vege’s. Blessings

  15. open the window shade for sun light?

  16. You have alot going on there. I wish my fruit trees were producing like that! God bless and look after yourself.

  17. I know 1 guy who grows things inside a chest. He grows things inside and everywere. It can grow inside a house you would be surprised how much can be produced inside a small apartment.

  18. have you considered planting any nut tree varieties?

  19. I was always told the sucker was the part growing in between the main stem and the limb. You are calling the limb a sucker and leaving what I thought was the sucker growing in between the two. Now I’m confused. LOL

  20. YOUR experiment, NOT ours.

    I have no need to experiment with fertilizers, and have no idea what Brandywine tomatoes are.

  21. The best fertilizer for growing brandywine tomatoes is organic fertilizer. It’s best to stay away from fertilizers that contain nitrogen and are water soluble. You can use the Miracle-Gro organic choice I’ve had some good results from using that particular one.

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