Taken from Annabel’s new book, Quick and Easy Toddler Recipes.
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Question by Cindy J: Good pasta lunch made with every day ingredients?
So I want to make lunch today with ingredients I already have in my house. I have a couple different kinds of pasta and i wanted to do something different than just putting pasta sauce on it. I have most basic spices, pantry, and fridge ingredients. What would be some things to mix in or cook with the pasta that would be good? Any favorite recipes? Thank you!
Best answer:
Answer by Sawyer
Infuse some olive oil with garlic, then add in some fresh veggies. Toss with noodles.
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i mix pesto, tomatoes, riccotta cheese and sundried tomatoes, maybe some olives and eat that cold. try some chopped spinach and lemon butter dressing. if you take a italian salad dressing and grille any veggies you have, once you grille or sear them, toss them with the salad dressing and put over the pasta
You can do a few different things with cooked pasta for a quick, easy, and flavorful lunch. My favorite ways to eat pasta are listed below. Hopefully this gives you some ideas!
butter, garlic, parmesan cheese, and lemon juice
bottled salad dressing (Italian or Greek are two of my favorites) and butter
alfredo sauce
brown gravy and caramelized onions
cheddar cheese, cooked peppers and onions, milk
cream cheese, canned tomatoes, and black pepper (can also use sour cream)
Pasta ham and mushrooms! Simple and tasty