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Question by Forgodsakedonttakemeseriously: what is the color red in food as it ripens?
what causes the red color? what is the chemical that turns the skin red when a tomato turns from green to red, or a apple turns red when it is ripe?
Best answer:
Answer by bravozulu
The red in tomatoes is a type of cartene called lycopene. The red in apples is a flavonoid called anthocyanin. The plants adapted to make the fruit red so that the birds or mammals that spread the seeds would recognize when the seeds were viable. The plant doesn’t want the animals to eat them too early so they are not very good when green and the seeds aren’t ready. Green apples gives kids, or anyone, but famously kids that eat them stomach aches. They are very sour or acid. Tomatoes might be toxic but they are clearly not as good when green. There are many people that say they are toxic but apparently the evidence for that is lacking.
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