(Recipe) How To – Cook Tomato Soup

Quick tutorial on how to cook home-made tomato soup. Serves 4-6 You will need; 1 stick of celery 1 carrot 1 onion 1 clove of garlic 6 tomatoes tomato puree o…
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Question by Pickle: How do you keep milk from curdling when adding it to a tomato dill soup at the end?
I want to add 1% milk to my tomato dill soup (rather than cream) at the end to make a creamy tomato dill soup…what are the rules to keep it from curdling? I know some of the rules, but I made it yesterday and it still curdled a bit. Here is what i know: add the milk to the soup rather than the soup to the milk, add the milk slowly, and add the milk to the soup when the soup is warm (not hot). What else?????

Best answer:

Answer by msjantastic
Follow the recipe and all shall turn out.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. Wonderful video! :-)

  2. The only thing you have to do is to add a little bit of the soup to the milk to warm the milk closer to the temp of the soup, pour it all back into the soup!

  3. I have had this problem with another tomato based recipe. Make sure the tomato has boiled for a while. If it is till bright red, then I’ve found that the dairy curdles. Like someone else suggested you can always add a little warm soup to the milk first…to warm it up, then pour the milk slowly into the soup.

    Good luck.

  4. you can either warm the milk first or add a little baking soda to the soup mixture before adding the milk.

  5. I had the same problem with trying to keep my soup from curdling using skim milk.I was told it was the low fat content in the skim so to add a tablespoon of butter to it.Reluctantly I did this and it seemed to help until the soup started to cool then it curdled slightly.If it is homeade tomato soup then I do know that as you are making it you add a teaspoon of baking soda and that stops the curdling.After you have diced and sliced the tomatoes sprinkle them with the baking soda .It does help,but I have found thru experimenting that the lowest fat content you can use so curdling is not an issue at all is 2%.So buy the 2% and save yourself the hassle

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