Sick tomato plant!

My tomato plant was doing AWESOME until it caught a nasty fungus, now it looks HORRIBLE :( Hoping to save the plant, this video is an email to a family guru …

Question by irabu1: Is it ok to combine two tomato plants to one pot?
I would like to add two tomato plants(same species) to one pot. Is this ok or will it take away from the full growth potential of a single plant?

Best answer:

Answer by Travis
Well if the pots big enough, (three feet in diameter and probably a few feet deep) then yeah, it would be okay, but anything smaller and just grow the one tomato plant.

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  1. please check my video “tomatoe plant damage3” i do not know what it it. i live in the carribean and it rains a lot. dont know how to treat it.

  2. I saw the videos and noticed that they are in portrait mode. i will shoot a better one in landscape. you really cant tell from these videos. ill keep u posted.

  3. “tomatoe plant damage1” and “tomatoe plant damage2” in youtube

  4. I uploaded two videos. let me know if you have trouble viewing them. look for “tomatoe plant damage 1” and “tomatoe plant damage 2”. I was told that it was humidity damage. I am open for other opinion about it.

  5. I also think it might have been Curly Top Virus.. either way, I look forward to your post :)

  6. I watch lots of vids in youtube. however, I am not too familiar with early blight. If that is something seasonal then I think is septoria. I live in the Caribbean and we do not get too much change in the season. Its always hot, or not to hot. LoL. I am going to see if I can upload a short video. I will let you know once is up.

  7. I sprayed an antifungal this year, but I think I was too late. I contacted my local extension office to see if they have any other suggestions for next season. I’m pretty sure it was either Early Blight or Septoria Leaf spot. There are lots of great youtube videos that can help diagnose even if they aren’t in your state (google common tomato disease videos).
    Good luck with your plants! I would love to see a video of them.

  8. what are you spaying?

  9. Yea, if you look at my most recent Earthbox video, you can see it’s finally doing better. Lost most of the crop this year though. Will be spraying early next season, that’s for sure!!

  10. Hmm seems as the same problem I am having with my tomatoe plant. freaking fungus.

  11. Depends on the size of the pot. They do need a lot of root space so it would have to be a large pot to put more than one. good luck!

  12. one per pot…. a healthy tomato plant will put out over seven ft of roots… the biggest pot I have isn’t really suitable for some plants alone, so putting two in one is asking for weak, sickly plants…..

  13. Unless you have a really huge pot, like a half barrel, I wouldn’t recommend it. The 2 plants will definitely interfere with the growth of the other. You’ll likely have problems that are common with overcrowded plants, like small fruit, powdery mildew, or other diseases and you’ll have to water and fertilize more often. It’s not worth the trouble.

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