The dog was sprayed by a skunk a few days ago and we couldnt take the smell anymore. So we bathed her in Tomato juice (and it really did work) however she tu…
Question by brut44: How can I make Natural ice beer taste better?
have a case of Natty Ice beer (given to me), and I must say-IT IS THE WORST TASTING BEER EVER!, albeit free. I want to get drunk, so how can I make this horrible tasting beer go down smoother? Any ideas? Seriously. The best I can do is pour a cold can in a glass and drink. If I put it in a glass I might forget what I’m drinking. lol I don’t have tomato juice, but I do have imitation lemon juice.
Best answer:
Answer by nikkirae63
Squeeze Lime and salt in it. Makes anything taste better.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Using tomato juice is an old wives tale. It somewhat disguises the smell, if your lucky. Baking soda and white vinegar or baking soda and peroxide will actually REMOVE the smell.
how is that cruel? ur suppose to do that u idiots
Use 2 gallons of water, 1 bottle of hydrogen peroxide and a small box of baking soda and 1/2 a cup of dish detergent. Mix well and apply on the dog using a sponge, make sure to apply so dog is thoroghly damp, let it soak for 2 to 5 minutes,, then hose himor her off then let them shake and dry them with a towel. Tomato juice will somewhat work but only masks the smell. I forgot to mention a dust mask works applied with a squirt of lime to help you breathe
ya that was pretty cruel, im pretty sure he got a good lung’s full of water after having his head submerged like that
Aww that poor dog. Ew I hate skunks..
Baking soda also does the trick. It also doesn’t stain like Tomato juice.
u dropped her in the water
I don’t care for beer all that much but when I do drink it I put lemon, real lemon, in my beer. It works for me.
Some people put a dash of salt in the bottle of beer. Or can beer. I’ve had natural ice……you’re right, it’s NOT good. The best bet is to just down the first two or three beers…..after that the rest will taste better. Enjoy.
The only way to make Natural Ice taste better is to pour it down the toilet. No need to flush, as s&@t usually sinks to the bottom anyway. Then drink something else. Option 2 is to pour it down the toilet and squirt some of the imitation lemon juice in each of your eyes- since this experience would certainly top actually consuming the beer. Or you could just drink it all very quickly, like, one can (i’ll assume they are lowly cans) every 5 to 10 minutes. You’ll get it over with quickly, hopefully nobody will see you, and you’ll wake up tomorrow feeling tip-top I’m sure.
Cold kills flavor…get it super ass cold and keep it cold – pound like crazy. Maybe even over ice.
Chug it! If you can manage a couple down, pretty soon you won’t be tasting it anyway..
Pour it down the drain. But if you can’t do that then go buy a beer you prefer and drink 1 or 2 of them first. You should be able to choke down the cheap stuff after that.