How to make Tomato Pasta Soup

By: Stephanie and Nozomi.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Question by simple: What vegetarian dish can I serve tomato couscous with?
I made couscous in tomato broth. It seems more of a side-dish than a main one, and I can’t think of what to serve it with! (dairy is ok). Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by ♥britney
baked potato w/ side salad

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. Thanks !

  2. Grilled portabella mushrooms

  3. Enjoy the wholesome goodness of some grilled carrots with your tomato couscous.

  4. Think of couscous as your “rice”. You make rice, don’t you? What do you serve with rice?
    My vegetarian Moroccan friends make stews of vegetables (name the vegetable, include it!) I would go for something green –You can prepare dishes with broccoli, spinach, kale, or collards, or you can add said vegetables to the couscous mix. You can throw sprouts on top of the couscous (lentil sprouts add a slight peppery taste – yum!) You can mix “hard” tofu cubes into the couscous mix.
    Couscous is a starch. Think about what you would serve with/add to a pasta/tomato dish.

    You can also consider making a raw pate with nuts/seeds and vegetables (soak some walnuts or almonds or sunflower seeds for 2 – 6 hours (longer is better), then combine them in your food processor with some onions/carrots/garlic/bell peppers/other vegetables/seasonings that interest you and sound good, and grind them to a fine paste (pate) and mound them on a lettuce leaf (or not) on the plate.

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