Planting tomato stems / leaves

Yes, you can plant vegetables plants from stem or leaves. Some of them will grow roots and become new tomato plants…
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Question by harobikes: is there an easy way to stop my tomato plants from getting too much water from rain?
i have my tomato plants planted in raised rows…….should i spread plastic or epdm rubber roofing strips onto the rows?? or should they be alright?? i live in southern maine, and it has been raining since friday night. we have already had to have gotten over 3.5″ of rain, and its not stopping til later this week.

Best answer:

Answer by sesquipedalian2
Hmm. Maybe an overturned garbage can or storage tubs? It’s a good idea – they’ll split with too much water. Good luck!

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. Now there is something to try

  2. Thank you for sharing this :)

  3. Is it puddling under your tomatoes? If so, that’s the only way you might get unhappy tomatoes. By nature, tomatoes LOVE water. If they’re puddling, then start figuring out how to irrigate away from tomatoes – a little irrigation ditch to the corner of your raised bed maybe? Better to have had them raised just high enough that they don’t puddle. Outside that – do you not hear them? They’re singing – in tomato language of course – “I’m singing in the rain.” They’re having a ball. They are not unhappy campers. 😉

    Rain is God’s way of giving tomato growers time off from watering. 😀

    After reading other Answerer –
    You did say you’re in Maine, right? You don’t have tomatoes growing yet, do you? If you do, might want to teach other Mainiacs how to do that, because you’re so far up north from me, I’m surprised they’re in the ground already. lol

    I’m in Philly and we have one tomato growing so far. The only reason we have that one growing is because it came with the plant. We’re just beginning to flower – so I wasn’t worried about your tomatoes splitting yet. I assumed you had no tomatoes to split yet.

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