Funny French Bulldog and Cherry Tomato

Joe the French Bulldog with a cherry tomato. Very Funny!
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Question by I heart beets: how can i use a whole bunch of cherry tomatoes?
i have a lot of leftover cherry tomatoes from this recipe where i hardly used any. i was thinking of making a tomato sauce. thx

Best answer:

Answer by mountainparadise

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. you could make tomato sauce. Or just put them in a salad. Or eat them with ranch!!

  2. Chop in half, season on a baking tray then into a hot oven for 15 mins then work through a strainer discarding seeds & skin, now add whichever herbs you fancy (chilli & garlic if you like) pour over your favourite pasta or meat.
    and thats it!

  3. A simple bruchetta.

    Slice them up and mix them with diced onion, herbs and olive oil, then add to a garlic toasted bread.

  4. I like to oven roast mine with some olive oil, freshly minced garlic, salt, italian seasoning and basil. Pop em in the oven at 350 for about 20-25 min. Let them cool and then just store them in some tuppeware in the fridge and eat them as a snack throughout the week.

  5. hi dwite , i always see on in the office on my tv

  6. Tomato juice or soup.

  7. Slingshot munitions

  8. * I’m with Handsome Stranger….they work Poi-ferktly!

  9. my mom and i use to slice to tops off and squeeze out the pulp, then fill it with a mixture of cooked couscous green onion and a little salt and pepper on top, warm through in a 200 degree oven for about 5-10 mins and serve. they are wonderful appetizers!

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