Organic Gardening Techniques Cherry Tomato

Organic Gardening Techniques Cherry Tomato

Organic Gardening Techniques Cherry Tomato shown by Perry Henderson an Austin REALTOR at Prudential Texas Realty. When you sele…

Question by Christinaa =]: Is this enough to eat for dinner and healthy?
1/2 cup whole grain pasta salad with olives, cherry tomatos and arugula with olive oil and parmesan cheese and 3 oz lean meat steak and 1 piece of homemade garlic bread. Should I eat more or is this enough? thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by Rebecca W
That sounds great. You want to be eating between 1500 and 2000 calories a day, it is hard to say if you need to eat more without knowing how much you had for breakfast and lunch. If you are still hungry you could have a snack or another small meal later on.

What do you think? Answer below!

1 Comment

  1. Not healthy if eaten every day!
    Pasta salad itself is very high in fat and calories and carbs too.. Olives are fattening, olive oil is fattening (although it is the best kind of oil out there), parmesan cheese is fattening and homemade garlic bread is typically fattening.
    The steak is a good source of protein, although chicken is usually much leaner.
    The arugula and cherry tomatoes are very good. Try using the low calorie dressing sprays. Much healthier.
    As long as the garlic bread piece you consume is small and has no butter or cheese on it, that would be enough. And try to use fresh garlic. And do not cook it! It will lose a lot of the hydrogen sulfide, which is excellent for your blood vessels and increases blood flow.

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