Miki had a friend over and they made tomato juice with our juicer from tomatoes we grew in the garden. They had a lot of fun seeing how much juice they could…
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Question by sweetatertoo: I put too much salt &cayenne in my soup what can I do?
the seasoning i used said no salt seasoning. apparently it wasnt. with the tomato juice too, its salty. and with the cayenne, its hot
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Answer by UNI Panther
A potato dropped in soup will help absorb the salt. As for the cayenne, you may be out of luck.
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Try adding some brown sugar – start small, taste, and see how it works = add more if necessary.
Brown sugar works brilliantly to negate the acid in tomatoes, and to counteract too much salt.
drain the liquid out of the soup and take the veggies, beans or meat and rinse well, then start over , add the items and make a another soup mixture…
Add more juice to dilute.
The trick I use is to dilute it with a little hot water.
add vinegar
If you add some potatoes and tomatoes to your soup the potatoes will absorb the salt when they soften taste one if too salty remove from soup if not enjoy them, and the tomatoes will mellow the heat. You can also add some cream or sour cream to the soup it will take away some of the heat. I hope that I have been some help to you.
pour it down the sink
Either add lots more unsalted soup or dump it, there is no removing salt, only diluting it with more ingredients.
If you have solids in your soup rinse and start over that will help with both your problems but still might be spicy, that’s what tongues are made for. When you get a chance look-up Scoville Ratings then you’ll understand about “Hot”
Things like this happen to everyone who likes to experiment with new recipes or ingredients so don’t feel bad. You have to decide whether a) you’ll eat the soup you have now even though it’s a little too hot and salty for your taste, b) you’ll throw it out because you really can’t stand it and there aren’t many other ingredients besides salt and cayenne in it yet or c) you’ll add more water and the other ingredients until the salt and cayenne level are more to your taste.
Eat it that way or make more soup and don’t season it, mix the two and hope for the best!
Stick a peeled potato in the pot – remove it before serving.