Tomato Planting

Tomato Planting

Finshed planting all our tomatoes. Dad and Julie got hangry so we had to quit.

Question by suitablepenname: pinching tomato plants to encourage ripening of established fruit?
I live in an area with a short growing season…my tomato plants look beautiful, lots of fruit so far, but I am afraid to let them keep fruiting because I dont want a lot of frozen fruit when the frost hits in september (like last year). Can I take the tops out of my plants to discourage new fruiting…tomato birth control, if you will..or is that not a good idea?

Best answer:

Answer by MasterGardner
You can prune your tomato plants as much as you want as long as you leave enough leaf coverage to keep the plants alive till you harvest the ripe ones.

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1 Comment

  1. Keep picking until you can’t pick anymore and then pull the plants out and get the ground ready for next year I always have to throw a few small green tomatoes away. I don’t like green tomatoes but some people use green tomatoes.

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