Jerry Sanders: Tomato Salad

Jerry teaches you how to make a tomato salad.
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Question by jeannene: Are you sure that a tomato is a fruit and not a vegetable?
I still view a tomato as a vegetable.
I think it really depends on one’s definition of a fruit and a vegetable however.
When I think of fruit, I think of juicy goodness (not like a Starburst) and how fruit it tastes.
When I think of vegetable, I think about its texture and its hardness.
That’s a little of why I think of tomato as a vegatable instead of a fruit.
But I guess I could think of the way they’re grown.
What’s your take on this?

Best answer:

Answer by Dexter
If it has seeds it’s a fruit.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. What you think a fruit and vegetable is, doesn’t change it’s actual definition.
    So if you think it’s something it’s not, you’re just lying to yourself!

  2. A fruit has one or a lot of seeds so a tomato is a fruit

  3. It has seeds… It’s a fruit.

  4. It’s a fruit because it has seeds, anything with seeds is a fruit. (some fruits you find nowadays dont have seeds because they scientifically change the genetics in the seed to not have seeds) but i still view it as a vegetable even though i know it isnt too 😀

  5. We assume all fruits are sweet so tomatoes seem to be a vegetable. Then again there’s no big difference between the two except taste. They are all healthy and nutricious.

  6. In China,we think tomato is a vegetable.

  7. It’s both. The word vegetable is not recognized by a botanist. Vegetable is a grocers term. Therefore tomatoes would be marketed and sold as vegetables by grocers. However, a botanist would only see it as a fruit.

  8. Botanically speaking a tomato is considered a fruit. The ovary and seeds are together and it is a flowering plant. This is the scientific definition of a fruit. However, culinarily speaking, it is considered a vegetable because of a lower sugar content than traditional fruits. This is why tomatoes are typically found salads or main dishes rather than desserts, as would your standard fruits.

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