How to plant a tomato plant in the garden.
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Question by Heylo: Where can i buy a Tomato Plant?
I would like to buy a started tomato plant in Scarborough, Ontario, and it cant be online.
Where should i go, during this time of year?
Best answer:
Answer by Hannah K
if you have stores like target, or Lowe’s, or home depot, or Wal-Mart there,(sorry ive never been out of the US in my life, if youve never heard of em, sorry.) if they have garden centers, you may be able to find one there.
Plus, once i saw a commercial on tv for a “rapid growing tomato plant,” (or something like that) where you can call in there and they’ll send it to you, i believe.
I worst comes to worst, there is always the old fashioned way: get a seed, a pot, and some dirt.
What do you think? Answer below!
any department store will probably carry them
you probably cant this time of year, they’re seasonal. Unless you go south. Start one from seed, if you can even find that.