Minecraft Ant Farm Survival Ep. 2 “Home Sweet Ant Farm” — w/ Tomato

Minecraft Ant Farm Survival Ep. 2

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  1. Thanks for the advice. I do need to make 1 iron pickaxe, so I can collect
    the diamonds.

  2. Yup I saw! =D Thanks for checking out my channel!

  3. Hey Tomato, for a more secure place make your roof with slabs! That’ll
    prevent mobs spawning on top of your hous and snipe you from there. You
    MIGHT also want to make the slabs go one row over your house to prevent
    spiders from climbing on your roof, for the same reason. It will also save
    you a lot of wood actually, about half the wood you used. Make sure the
    slabs are on the bottom half of the block. Also don’t use iron pickaxes
    since iron isn’t common, use stone ones if you can.

  4. That’s true and that’s why I said if you can :) Glad to see you’re ok after
    the bad weather, is it ok there now or still storming?

  5. The storm appears to have passed. A lot of power outages and down trees,
    but nothing too bad where I am. I know New York City and New Jersey got hit
    pretty bad. A lot of flooding on the coast.

  6. Oh and don’t use wood to smelt, make charcoal, it last longer.

  7. IhasCupQuake advertised your channel in her latest video!!

  8. BUT most importantly are you and Lemia ok? Should I be worried for the
    weather there?

  9. Ok, gladd it’s gone. Maybe I’m a bit silly but I was worried for you guys.

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