You Are My Red Tomato, set to the tune of La Vie En Rose by Louis Armstrong. Inspired by Lao Shu Ai Da Mi (…
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Question by Wally: Do hanging tomato plants really work?
The TV ads show big red tomatoes like I’ve never had in my garden. What’s the reality?
Best answer:
Answer by Clueless!!!
I’ve tried em. The tomatoes that grew were no where near as large as the ones in the commercial.
What do you think? Answer below!
@CanesFan_22 is red like a tomato ** – by Amanda_j21 (littlemermaid )
Funadium tomato
Image by Funchye
Georgeous Increddible Marvellous Perfect…
Thanks to funadium for making a red tomato with the GIMP
Reality: Lots of green foliage, little tiny tomatoes that are as hard as a rock, but they turn reddish and taste like styrofoam.