You Are My Red Tomato 你是我的西红柿

You Are My Red Tomato, set to the tune of La Vie En Rose by Louis Armstrong. Inspired by Lao Shu Ai Da Mi (…
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Question by Wally: Do hanging tomato plants really work?
The TV ads show big red tomatoes like I’ve never had in my garden. What’s the reality?

Best answer:

Answer by Clueless!!!
I’ve tried em. The tomatoes that grew were no where near as large as the ones in the commercial.

What do you think? Answer below!

@CanesFan_22 is red like a tomato ** – by Amanda_j21 (littlemermaid )

Funadium tomato
Red Tomato
Image by Funchye
Georgeous Increddible Marvellous Perfect…

Thanks to funadium for making a red tomato with the GIMP

1 Comment

  1. Reality: Lots of green foliage, little tiny tomatoes that are as hard as a rock, but they turn reddish and taste like styrofoam.

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