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Question by blitzcrackunders: Can you use green tomatoes like regular, red tomatoes?
I bought some green tomatoes today, but I’ve never tasted one before. I have some fresh red pepper pasta that is indeed, red in color… so I thought it would be fun to make a quick olive oil, garlic, vegetable stock, and tomato sauce like I would for red tomatoes to play with the color.
Do you think this would taste good?
What’s the difference?
Best answer:
Answer by RevRusty
I’d try it, but then, I love to experiment with recipes.
Expect the sauce to be a lot more tart and less sweet than tomato sauce using ripe tomatoes.
Depending on your results, you might try adding some sugar for a sweet/sour effect.
i normally do not use sugar in my Spaghetti sauce, but this might be an exception.
Add in small increments, it’s easy to put more in, but impossible to take any out.
Keep notes as you go, so that if you wind up with something good, you will have the recipe.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
red tomato (as opposed to blue or purple ones)
Image by kavehkhkh
Super macro goes a long way! Eat it large:
Green tomatoes are just un-ripened tomatoes. They are crisp, bland and would be great fried (as you would eggplant etc.) because they hold their shape unlike their red, ripe peers.
If you add enough spice and seasonings, I think there is nothing wrong with using them in the dish you describe, in fact you may discover a wonderful new, decidedly yours, new recipe!
Green tomatoes do have a slightly different flavor from red ones , but they still taste like a tomato .
I love the idea with the red pepper pasta and really believe it would make a wonderful change of pace for all . Would not mind tasting that myself . Don’t forget the black olives and capers .
Bon Apetite
Green tomatoes are unripe tomatoes and don’t have any flavor other than a little bitterness.
I wouldn’t put them in a pasta but I would cook them up as fried green tomatoes and put some spaghetti or marinara sauce over them, serving them with pasta on the side.
Hope that helps.