Tomato Growing Secrets: building a tomato ladder

Tomato Growing Secrets: building a tomato ladder

Tomato support system that’s easy, inexpensive for the average organic garden or vegetable garden. One ladder (build it yourself) and 4 cement blocks – your …
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Question by Gaylan: what is taking whole green tomatoes from my garden?
big green tomatoes disappear with no sign, no tracks, no leftovers, plus the plant is under netting.

Best answer:

Answer by Texperson
A neighbor. Birds eat only red tomatoes and they peck them, they don’t remove them.

A person would take the tomato before it ripens, so you don’t pick it first, and just let the green fruit ripen in their house.

Give your answer to this question below!


  1. I like the string method, just make sure your string isn’t too thin or it will cut into your plants!

  2. no - only looped very loosely around the base of the plant

  3. With the rope going up the tripod for the tomato plants do I need to tie down the rope to the ground?

  4. Where do you live? That could help narrow it down.

    Also, at what height are the tomatoes disappearing and how large is the mesh on your netting?

    Can anything crawl beneath it?

    Based on what you have said I’d say it was a bird since you say there are no tracks. Where I live I have seen both Blue Jays and Mockingbirds bother tomatoes. They don’t eat the entire fruit though. It often seems they only like to stab holes in them.

  5. Go to Lowes and buy some Shotgun Repels All repellent. It is granular , comes with a convenient shaker top. Sprinkle it around the perimeter of the area you want critters to stay out of. I use it every year in my garden, works like a charm for all kinds of critters

  6. possibly squirrels, i had squirrels stealing my romas, dragging them all over my yard, eating half, leaving the rest
    i put bird cages over my plants and they were not able to get to them

  7. Probably your neighbors. People love “fried green tomatoes” where I’m from.

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