Ciao Italia 1619-r0919 Grilled Cheese and Green Tomato Sandwich.
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Question by siamvelvet72: What can I do with green tomatoes?
I have about 40 of them, they just didn’t ripen. What can I make with them besides fried green tomatoes?
Best answer:
Answer by Paper Roses
Boiled green tomatoes, baked green tomatoes, roasted green tomatoes, microwaved green tomatoes….
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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Come on eat is while we’re looking.
Dump them.They are poisonous!
Green Tomato Gazpacho is delicious! Give it a try. You could also type in “green tomato recipes”in google – you’ll get a lot of recipes and ideas for what to do with you abundance of tomatoes! Have fun!
Eat them.
Reduce in a pan with a little olive oil and add sugar, salt and balsamic vinegar to taste and eat them hot with chunky bread