Growing Tomatoes : How to Raise Healthy Tomato Plants

Growing Tomatoes : How to Raise Healthy Tomato Plants

Healthy tomato plants require specific care and cultivation techniques. Raise healthy tomato plants with help from the owner of a garden supply business in t…

Question by Murtaza Murtaza: how do i grow tomato i live in Dubai?
how do i grow tomato, i am going to grow then in a pot. i live in Dubai where it is too hot. from what do i grow them, how long will it take them to grow and how to take care of it.

Best answer:

Answer by Miss Expert
If your place is too hot, you may grow tomatoes
in baskets instead of pots. Because baskets will
take care of the drainage, good air circulation and,
you don’t have to worry of over watering. Moreover,
you can hang them elsewhere, when the sun power
is too strong.

Just get some tomato seeds and place them in
a plastic cup or a plastic tray with a layer of wet
kitchen towel.

Cover the cup with a non-transparent lid. Keep this indoor
and sprinkle water over the seeds everyday. Soon the seeds
will be sprouted and grow into baby plants.

When the plants are tall enough to handle, transfer them to
their individual baskets or medium size pots if you prefer.

Prepare some potting soil and a little sand mix. Put about 2 inches of
soil mix in the baskets or pots. Place your young plant in the center of a
basket or pot, and cover the roots with a thin layer of dry soil. Wet the soil
with a fine rose.

Stake the plant with a tooth-pick, if the plant is less than 2 inches tall.
Otherwise; you can stake them with a light satay bamboo stick.

Water your plants everyday when they are placed under the hot sun
and hardly any rain fall. Make sure the soil is always moist.

When the plants are steady and taller, you may stake them with a
longer garden bamboo stick.

When the plants are feeling secured and happy, they will grow into
your delicious tomatoes.

There are many different types of tomatoes. May be you have to select
the easy growing varieties for the first time. I suggest you to start from
Tomato Moneymaker or Cherry tomatoes.

Remember to earth up, to cover their roots with soil, once it appear.

I hope it helps!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

More Growing Tomato Articles


  1. Thanks alison. Going to grow some . Probably started a little late for north idaho but that is ok. Thanks for ur info. U did a great job.

  2. The biggest problem you will have in Dubai is keeping the soil damp. The water will evaporate out of the soil quickly, so you may have to water twice a day.

    You will need pots a minimum of 500 millimeters across and 500 millimeters deep so the roots will have room to grow. Fill the pot with good potting soil. Wet the soil, then place 5 or 6 seeds on top of the soil. Place a paper napkin over the seeds and wet the paper napkin. The napkin will keep the seeds from being washed away when you water. Keep the paper napkin wet until the seeds sprout and send roots down into the soil. Then remove the napkin and dispose of it.

    When the Tomato plants get as high as your hand is wide, pick out the best tomato plant, and leave it in the pot. Carefully dig up the other Tomato plants and move them to other pots, or give them away.

    Depending on the type of Tomato seed you chose, you will have Tomato’s to eat in two or three months.

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