Cherry Tomato seeds. Growing Cherry Tomatoes. Penny’s Tomatoes @

Penny talks about her new Cherry Tomato Assortment. Also, tips on how to cook, dry, and put up your favorite Cherry Tomatoes. Penny’s Tomatoes at http://www….

Question by ♦♦pixiechix♦♦: I have a patio tomato plant. The tomatoes are smallish. Is there anything I can add to the plant to make?
the tomatoes any bigger? They are approximately three times the size of cherry tomatoes, but I want to have bigger ones!

Best answer:

Answer by susie
no,this is the size of a patio tomato. that’s why they are patio’s,so they don’t grow all over the place

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. If you start feeding them tomrite tomato feeder that’ll make the tomatos taste better. A bit of miracle grow probably wouldn’t hurt them either. : )

  2. I am with Nursery Grower on this one: The size of the tomato has at least in part to do with the variety of tomato. A good fertilization program probably helps some as well. The good news: size doesn’t matter (LOL). A smaller tomato can taste just as good as a really big one.

  3. Get yourself some tomato plant food. Use the recommended rate. Don’t use more if it works good,you may kill the plant.Just follow the directions and use the proper rate.Best of luck to you.Next year buy seeds that produce beefstake tomatoes.Those are the big ones.

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