Crazy Kid skulls tomato juice

This random boy decides to skull tomato juice to get chocolate sooooo gross PLZZ SUBSCRIBE.
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Question by Frances Bonner: Why is the water in the Hot Water Bath Canner yellow after using the hot water bath canner to can tomatoes?
I have canned six quarts of tomatoes in a boiling water bath canner and at the end of the bath the water is slightly yellow as if some of the tomato juice seeped out. The jars seal well and there is no spoilage, but I am concerned about the yellowish water left in the canner. Please and Thank you.

Best answer:

Answer by Tex
It means that some of the juice seeped out before the jar sealed or you contaminated the water by putting in jars with juice on them. If they are all sealed now, you have checked them right, then they should be ok.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. Wow sully

  2. Hahahahahahaha can’t stop laughing when he drank it

  3. funny


  4. weird :P

  5. ok

  6. I know that kid!! LOL put on macarena and him eating the chips afterwards!


  8. ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. that was so gross

  9. Haha.

  10. As the jars and content heat up they expand. If you didn’t leave enough head room in the jar some of the content will escape during the processing. The thing to watch is if the lids seal. If something gets between the lid and jar you won’t get a seal. This is not unusual durning caning but remember to leave enough head room in the jar for expansion.

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