Bob shows us his Biodynamic Cherry Tomato Plant for the Cherry Tomato Challenge! We get a look inside to his method. What plant he grows along side the cherr…
Question by yangky_5: Pinch off flowers and outside leaves, what are outside leaves?
Hi, I just bought a cherry tomato plant and it says to pinch off flowers and outside leaves:
1.) what are considered outside leaves?
2.) do i pinch out flowers when they’re dead or as soon as they come out?
Best answer:
Answer by Chicken in Black
If you pinch off all the flowers you won’t get any tomatoes, so you just need to pinch off a few, right under the buds, as soon as they are set. Unless your plant is setting a lot of buds you really wouldn’t have to pinch them at all, since this is normally done so are not to drain your tomato while it is still growing.
The outside leaves are most likely the oldest, yellowed, or damaged ones.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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Hacker, we are in Northwestern Pennsylvania. The soil has been composted for years and with biodynamic principles!
very cool! I miss gardening like that. I live in a garden of cement … love seeing this