Ants – Vampires on Tomato Juice

First metal song for Pulse8! Vampires on Tomato Juice: Download Link: —————-…
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Question by Emma: What can I eat to get severe diarrhea?
I have drank tomato juice and I still cant poo. I need something to help me, because I have been 5 days not pooing :S
I need something extremely strong to get diarrhea

Best answer:

Answer by Info Guru
take a laxative or use a suppository. Talk to a pharmacist.

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. Tomato juice is acidic and can be hard on your stomach. Some people eat prunes but the way to get to go solid to the bathroom is with adding liquids that are easy to absorb and pass through fast also.

    I would say to increase your liquids, then try to add some fiber , a little at a time or you will have the reverse problem very fast. I would also suggest to eat something that digests easy like sunflower or pumpkin seeds as those bulk up in the colon and can make you go then soon.

  2. Try eating grapes or other fruits in the morning, but on an empty stomach.
    Or drink hot water, but hot enough that you can drink comfortably, also.
    I have been doing for several or more years. Especially drinking hot water.
    I found by accident when I decided to drink hot water in the morning, that within an hour or less I had to poo badly.

    This my experience….

    hope it works for you.


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