Posts by: Tomato Guy

Red Tomato Fire Roasted Salsa By Bhagyashri This is authentic maxican recipe very easy to make and great for any meal. It is perfect for those who loves Smok… Video Rating: 2 / 5 Question by Crystal M: is it blood in her stool or cherry tomatoes from lunch? she is 2yrs old… looks very close to blood but when i called the babysitter to ask her about it she said my baby had some cherry tomatoes for lunch….could it be from the red tomatoes?? should i wait to see if it happens agine befor… Read Article →

Video Rating: 0 / 5 Question by BluRay: Where can I purchase green tomatoes in Arizona? Live outside Phoenix area. Does anyone from the area know where you can buy fresh green tomatoes? Best answer: Answer by Lily Katherinegrocery store What do you think? Answer below!

Pasta w/chicken in a Sundried Tomato Sauce is a hearty dish that can feed two people or an army and EVERYONE will love it. What is great about this entrĂ©e is… Question by Mojo4all: Help please, my recipe calls for fromage fois but I can’t find it in the dairy section? I’m trying a new recipe it’s for a pumpkin and courgette sort of stew with basil, ginger, mushrooms, tomatoes, and pasta shells. I know that fromage fois is cheese but what kind? If my local market doesn’t have it, whats a good substitute? Edit:… Read Article →

Question by blondegymnast93: Who is Towanda in the movie Fried Green Tomatoes? Hi! I am writing a paper and I want to compare the movie Fried Green Tomatoes to the characters in the book I just read. I am really confused over who Towanda is though. I know Towanda was someone in the story that the older lady was telling, but I am not sure who. And then, when Evelyn got angry that the ladies parked in her parking space, she said, “Towanda.” Could I consider Towanda as Evelyn’s new alter ego? Best answer: Answer… Read Article →

Homegrown. Video Rating: 0 / 5 Question by Jay Dub: Does anyone have any good recipes for green tomatoes ? I just cleaned out my garden for the fall and have a whole bushel full of green tomatoes. Other than fried green tomatoes, does anyone have any good recipes or ideas of some ways I can use them ??? Best answer: Answer by cin2wingreen tomato soup it is good 2 tablespoons butter 4 to 6 ounces country ham or smoked ham, diced 1 small onion, diced 2 cloves garlic, minced 4 cups chicken broth 8… Read Article →

Delicious Mozzarella and Tomato Salad With Fresh Basil Vinaigrette. So easy and quick to make. Impress your friends and family with this colorful recipe. Moz… Question by kimby: Does anyone know of a recipe for cucumber tomato salad? it has cucumber, tomato, onion and the dressing part I cant figure out. Its like a white dressing. I think maybe vinegar in it? Please help! Best answer: Answer by Dottie RThe one I grew up with would not be white, but clear. It’s just vinegar, sugar and water. Equal amount of sugar and vinegar and 2… Read Article →

Video Rating: 4 / 5 Question by Lucky: how to grow tomatoes? i have no gardening experience at all! i live in illinois and the temp is around 40’s. when is it a good time to start growing tomatoes? im always buying them and i love them in salads and i just got the bright idea to start growing them myself and save some money. i have no clue where to start lol. any tips or advice? any books or websites that help? Best answer: Answer by Angela MThe best bet is to go to… Read Article →

Ruffino’s Executive Chef Peter Sclafani shows you how to make Creole Tomato Salad with Balsamic Caviar. Video Rating: 5 / 5 Question by bff61trixie: How yummy and healthy was my food today? Grade it health wise and yummy wise haha A, B, C ,D ,F Breakfast:1 Pumpkin cookie Lunch; tuna tomato salad with tuna tomato lettuce cucumbers celery and cucumber with no dressing. snack: 1 pack of chocolate chip cookies. there was about 8 mini ones in there Dinner : Frozen breaded shrimp (4) about 2 ounces tater tots 2 ounces corn Snack:1 brownie I… Read Article →

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