Baby spinach grape tomato juice

Juiced my parents old vegetables Not very good!!!

Question by I love my wife!: Have anyone got rid of acne with fresh fruits and/or vegetables?
Have anyone ever used fresh tomato juice to get rid of acne and/or pimple? If yes, does it work? If not….any suggestions on how to get rid of a opened pimple fast?

Best answer:

Answer by hoydeebean12
yes! i used alba brand facewash. It has pineapple juices in it that really help clear up acne. Its all natural too!

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  1. Step 1

    One of the most popular home remedies is to put toothpaste on your pimple before you go to bed .Make sure it is the paste and not the gel.

    Step 2

    Place strawberry leaves on the acne ,the alkalinity helps reduce the swelling.

    Step 3

    These are one of the smellier home remedies for getting rid of a pimple overnight.Crush a couple of garlic cloves and dabbed on the face 1-2 times daily.

    Step 4

    Grind orange peel with some water to a paste and apply on the pimple.Your pimple should disappear overnight or become less visible.

    Step 5

    Mix 1 teaspoon of finely ground cinnamon powder and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and apply to your pimples frequently this should also do the trick.

    Step 6

    Put ice on the pimple before going to bed ,by morning it should be noticeably smaller.This works best on larger pimples that have not yet formed a head.

    Step 7

    Mix mint juice with turmeric powder and apply on affected area.Leave for about 15 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water.

    Step 8

    Combine together in a bowl some vinegar and salt in a bowl,dab this mixture on your pimples ,leave for about 15-20 minutes and the rinse off.

    Step 9

    Grind some nutmeg with milk and apply to affected area,this will make your pimples vanish without leaving any marks.Poof and it is gone.

    Step 10

    Apply juice of raw papaya including the skin and seed on swelling acne to get rid of overnight.

    Step 11

    Apply the pulp from ripe tomatoes on your blemish and leave for a hour,then wash and get rid of your pimple overnight.

    Step 12

    Apply grated potatoes on the skin to treat pimples and reduce swelling.

    Step 13

    Follow any one of the instructions above ,I am sure one will work for you and good luck.You going to need it because some pimples are very stubborn.
    i did have the same problem and it helped a lot. hope it helps U too!!!

  2. How to get rid of your pimples fast – a question asked by millions of people every day. If you suffer from pimples you will be pleased to know that they can be controlled and eventually cured without spending money on drugs, visits to dermatologists or any other wonder products touted in the media. I had acne from when I was 13 until I was 22 years of age; acne appeared on my son’s face when he was 13 and I decided to help him deal with it so he did not have to go through the agony I went through, so he never had to ask the question how to get rid of pimples fast. Pimples or more correctly acne can quickly ruin a person’s self-image, but there are simple solutions to this problem.

    The first thing any pimple sufferer needs to understand is that any “disease”, regardless of its medical diagnosis, is a result of the clogging up of body tissues. As the body fights to clear or unclog, the process is manifested in various ways.

    The body works to rid itself of the toxins and because the skin is the second most important eliminating organ (after the lungs), pimples are merely an indication that you need to cleanse internally and implement very simple measures to clear the outer, visible, symptoms as the cleansing process continues.

    How do I do an internal cleanse?

    The best, quickest way to do an internal cleanse is to have a water or a juice fast. This process / cleansing must be undertaken with care but with a fast’s unmatched ability to restore skin / get rid of pimples fast you will see a drastic improvement in your skin condition at the end of a 3 day fast.

    Before commencing a fast you must make a change in your diet and eliminate all mucus (or acid) forming foods such as processed / junk / fast foods, confectioneries and carbonated soft drinks; you need to eat more wholesome and natural foods such as fresh fruits and leafy vegetables, nuts, root vegetables, fresh juices – all foods that are mucus (or alkaline-forming) binding.

    Search for ‘mucus forming and binding foods’ in a search engine such as Yahoo or Google so you have a list of these.

    Then you need to learn (quickly) when and how to eat these correct foods. It has been shown that the worst meal we have is breakfast because the body goes through a natural cleansing process from twelve midnight until twelve noon and breakfast interrupts this cleansing period; the body then goes through a building program from twelve noon until twelve midnight, and it is during this period that your food intake should occur.

    How to get rid of pimples fast.
    A suggested simple daily menu plan to get rid of pimples fast (remember, this is a ‘fast’ in order to rid your body of toxins that are causing the pimples):

    Early Morning:
    A large glass of fresh fruit juice (squeeze it yourself), or preferably plain iced water.

    Middle of The Day:
    A meal of any fruit that is in season e.g. Apples, Melons, Berries. Do not mix the fruits at one meal.

    Fresh, home-made salads with simple dressing made with Lemon juice, olive oil and uniodized salt


    Raw and / or cooked root vegetables such as Potatoes, Celery, Carrots

    Do not drink liquids with your meals as liquids tends to dilute the digestive juices in your stomach which then slows digestion and assimilation and increases the tendency for constipation. If you must drink water after a meal, wait a full hour.

    This simple but extremely effective dietetic change has been known to get rid of pimples in as little as three days.

    How do I do an external cleanse?

    – change your pillow case every other night (sleep on one side of it the first night, turn it over for the second night)

    – do not touch your face with unwashed hands at any time. Need to scratch – use a tissue.

    – wash your hair with a mild shampoo every night or use a wraparound night cap that covers the hair and wash the cap every morning. Hair carries bacteria and will transfer to your face via the pillow.

    – steam your face at home to help the skin eliminate toxins through sweating (a bowl of boiling water on the table, cover your head with a towel), or use the steam room at a gym.

    – exercise to help the body in detoxification and metabolism; exercise as much as possible – this may be in the from of running, jogging or simply light aerobic-style exercise to music.

    Pimples, as impossible as it may seem at times, are very easy to control without drugs and using all natural methods.

    Do not become disheartened – just a few short days and you will be able to go out and flaunt your smooth face to the world!

  3. Drink plenty of water. Staying well hydrated can help your condition improve, because the “waste management” control system in your body requires a lot of water to do its job. Without enough water, the body has difficulty removing some waste products efficiently.

    Look for face washes which contain the active ingredient benzoyl peroxide. This is the key ingredient in some of the best face washes. Use a 5-10% benzoyl peroxide of mild to moderate acne and 10% for severe.

    Try smashing one tablet of aspirin in a small bowl, then adding lemon juice to the mixture. Aspirin is acetesalicylic acid, chemically related to salicylic acid. Apply to the affected areas overnight. It boosts the healing process while reducing redness.

    Try putting toothpaste (paste, NOT gel) on your face, cover it with a bandage, and keep it on all night. When you wash it off in the morning your acne will look better. The astringent and surfactant nature of the toothpaste will help diminish the appearance of pimples. But the toothpaste has been known to burn sensitive skin of the face, so be careful. If your face does burn, stop acne treatments and work on healing your burn.

    Try using Bentonite Clay, a natural mineral powder which has been known to absorb impurities and help neutralise the skin’s oiliness, and can be found online. Mix 2 tablespoons with a dash of cold water and smooth over the face as a thick paste. Once dried gently wipe off with a flannel or sponge.


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