Basma. Aubergine, carrot, tomato salad..mp4

Basma. Aubergine, carrot, tomato salad..mp4

Question by : how much calories does Salads have?
just a plain ole salad with little bit of cheese on it
and ranch
but i don’t pour my ranch on my salad i just dip my salad in my ranch
it had a lot but i didn’t eat all of the stuff whats on it i just ate the Lettuce w/ cheese

Best answer:

Answer by skittles
Depend on whats in it.
Typical salad.
Lettuce-30 calories
10 grape tomato- 15 calories
1/4c light mozerella cheese-45 caloires
2tbsp light ranch-80 calories
Total=170 calories.

I have no idea how much or of what you had on it. That or how much ranch you used. So 150-250 calories.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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