The big red tomato (hero) Evil Polar Bear (bad guy)
Question by Saggyrl: Can eating tomato soup cause red stools?
I only had a piece of toast and a huge can of chunky tomato soup yesterday. Today I had a red stool… is this normal??? Worried! (I’m 29 years old).
Thanks so much everyone! Just found this on the net:
“False” hematochezia
Several different types of food with natural or artificial coloring may cause red colored stools, which looks like hematochezia. These can include:
red gelatin, popsicles, or Kool-Aid
tomato juice or soup
large amounts beets
A physician should be consulted immediately if red or maroon colored stools can not be attributed to a benign cause such as a food.
Best answer:
Answer by Rhonda
Definitely…. what ever you put in has to come out… dont worry sweety, your ok!!! If you ate pea soup, same thing, carrots, same thing!!
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There are certain foods that produce different colour urine for instance beetroots eaten often enough can produce purple tinged urine,but I’ve never heard of tomato soup producing red stools.
Red Stool or Output
Some ostomy patients have mistakenly thought they were bleeding when they noticed red spots in their stools. Certain foods may show up as red particles in your stools or change the colour of your output to red. These particles may be mistaken for blood. If you are unsure, call your doctor.
Red pepper,pimiento,beets,pesto,red licorice……….no mention of tomatos though?
While it’s not common for this to happen, it can especially if you only ate soup and toast. Keep an eye on your stool and remember you must eat more. That simply isn’t enough caloric intake to maintain healthy internal systems. Perhaps your starving yourself has something to do with what could have been blood in your stools. Be careful, and don’t take your body for granted.
if you this happen and you feel a pain then there is something abnormal…
but this red stool if it comes from tomato it is normal, don’t worry about it….
and if you couldn’t stop thinking about it.. avoid eating tomato soap to see the result…