I had accumulated about a bushel and a half of tomatoes. Decided to make juice since I now have plenty of jarred whole tomatoes for soup and stock. I used my…
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Question by Crayons and Butterflies: Can two year olds drink tomato juice?
I am 14 and I am watching my baby sister. She is 2. I am drinking tomato juice and she wants some. We make our own tomato juice in the juicer. Is it safe to give her some in her sippy cup?
I don’t know if she’s ever had tomatoes. She eats lots of veggies though.
Best answer:
Answer by raaaawr
no, too much acid on her tummy and it will make her poop acid like too. it could give her bad diaper rash
let your mom give her tomatoes and tomato products first so that way if she is allergic to them you will know. if she has an allergic reaction while you are sitting it could be horrible
to those of you suggesting it’s ok, maybe she should just go ahead and make the kid a bloody mary *rolls eyes
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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Congratulations on the grandbabies, ladies!! They are so precious – such a blessing! I love my little granddaughter more than there are words…
bigdogsgirl, I only have a juicer….wish I had the other stuff. I have to do most everything by hand……I sure like imstillworkin’s hand crank juicer. It looks like a right handy thing to have during canning season. I’ve got to save up for one.
NWO, I just made the first diaper and my daughter loved it. I have about three projects on the sewing table as I write and the garden is in full swing. I am going in circles!! LOL! The juice is absolutely delicious, by the way….YUM!
I made my grandson’s cloth diapers 3 years ago. Congratulations on your new “blessing”. The tomato juice looks delicious.
Linda, congratulations!! Best wishes to the new mom and dad too! We’ve just found out the new baby will be a boy. We are so excited!! This is my youngest daughter and her hubby who are expecting in mid October. I’ve still got to make her cloth diapers with a little over 3 months left before they will be needed.
You’ve been busy! I just got a new grandbaby on Friday. She was 8 lb. 8 oz. and cute as a button.
I have gotten nothing worth mentioning from my heirloom tomatoes this year. My big producers were “Crista”, “Amelia” and “Talladega” hybrid tomatoes. I have decided to plant nothing but those varieties next year. Check them out!
I wish I had a juicer, a food mill, a grinder, a slicer, etc. Oh well. Maybe someday. LOL Looks good. I am still waiting on my plants to produce a lot of tomatoes.
Yes, that’s fine. I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t like it though.
has she had tomatoes? you have to try new things but 1 at a time so that if something makes them sick you know what it was that they were allergic to
No, it will make her sick! Give her some milk with a drop or two of red food coloring and put it in her sippy cup. She won’t know the difference.
I have 2 little sisters.
yes , but rather or not she likes it is a different story
My kids LOVE tomatoes & tomatoe juice & moderation would be the key Just a little & dilute it a little to make it easier on the tum! What a great babysitter!!! Are you available later?
keep up the good work!
Fresh squeezed tomato juice sounds really healthy and delicious. Sure, go for it.
Edited: What two year old (especially in a family that makes their own juice) hasn’t had tomatoes?