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Question by Phillip W: Is it ok for tomatos insides and seeds to be bright green?
When cutting tomatos today, a few of them were bright or neon green inside, the ‘juices’ and seeds.
Best answer:
Answer by dances_with_unicorns1955
Yes – some varieties of tomatoes do this – the pulp and the seed stay very green. As long as the flesh is red, you’re in good shape.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
yup. just fine. just not totally ripe yet. just as long as they’re not black… then it’s gone bad. good luck!!!
…# because it is not totally ripen
Guess you have never eaten fried tomatoes by that question.Yes it’s okay for thyem to be green.If they dont get red ,put flower on them and fry.Slice first.