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Question by babycakes: can i use cherry tomatoes as fruit for new year?
we need to buy 12 fruits for new year. round ones like apples and grapes. hard to look for round fruits here in US. is cherry tomato okay? what others should i buy?
Best answer:
Answer by Crypt
Well, they’re round and technically fruit, so I’d say yeah, buy’em.
You could also look for oranges, pomegranates, and whatever else. I’d probably go to Wegamns and just mill around the fruit area looking for ideas.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Da sung…:((((
There is some botanical argument for tomatoes being considered a fruit. Something about the seeds are inside rather than outside. I favor cherry tomatoes, sometimes classified as grape tomatoes.
Historically, all tomatoes were the size of cherry tomatoes, and were bred to be larger. Then the salad bar came into fashion and cherry tomatoes did not need to be cut. There was intense flavor and little waste. So they came back again.
Asian apple/pears;
Oranges, clementines, tangerines;
Cantaloupe, melon – get a melon baller, they are cheap;
Can you use dried fruit, like raisins, apricots or cranberries?
Pomegranates – they are hard to eat.
Raspberries, blackberries, cherries – get the frozen ones, if the fresh are expensive.
Happy New Year.
Is this an IQ test? lol. Tomatoes are a fruit so I don’t see why you could not use them.