Cherry Tomato Means Small Tomatoes, Not Small Plant

Cherry Tomato Means Small Tomatoes, Not Small Plant

When I was planning my fire escape garden, I thought cherry tomatoes would grow nicely in the small space. A few months into the season and the plant is abou…
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Question by : When I eat tomatoes my mouth starts to itch, could I be allergic ?
It has been happening for the last few years. But it mainly only happens when I eat cherry tomatoes. Any idea why ?

Best answer:

Answer by w.muzhdah
it could be oral allergy syndrome. try eating itwith no peel. although this usually happpens if u have hayfever.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. its called an indeterminate tomato plant, which means its size is indeterminate it can grow until it frost outside, the one in your gmas garden is probably a determinate tomato plant which means its size is pre determinate, like it will only grow a few feet tall…

  2. Oops. I planted three of these on my deck on mid sized containers thinking they wouldnt get too big. Guess I was wrong and now I will have to figure out how to deal with them when they get that big haha.

  3. that bad boy needs a trimming. i didnt see much tomatoes on that plant though, did you picked them all? or maybe cause its cold outside in the past months (though we had a short winter and temperature has been relatively warmer in general).

  4. Crazy.

  5. last year I had a 17′ cherry .. they are typically the largest tomato plants in my garden … I don’t know where people got the idea they are small … If left to sprawl a cherry can reach 25’ in one season

  6. cool, thank you

  7. At the time I was using a locally made soil from NYC and I use self-watering containers, so every few days.

  8. what soil do you use, and how often do you water that cherry tomato plant?

  9. If you don’t have symptoms after eating cooked tomatoes (such as tomato sauce), this could be oral allergy syndrome, which is a sort of “cross-allergy”. You may be allergic to grass pollen, and your body mistakes the tomato pollen for grass pollen,

    One big difference between “real” allergies and oral allergy syndrome: oral allergy syndrome is usually limited to the lips, mouth, tongue, and throat.

    However, any allergy can suddenly become dangerous, even after many years of tolerating a certain food. The allergy can result in something called anaphylaxis, which can cause respiratory swelling and a dangerous blood pressure drop.

    I’m not sure why your symptoms are limited to cherry tomatoes, but at least you’ve pinpointed the source so you can avoid them from now on!

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