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Question by Kayla R.: Why are my tomato plants turning yellow then wilting?
I’m a first time vegetable grower and I’m growing Grape Tomatoes and Beefmaster tomatoes. The Grape tomatoes bottom leaves turn yellow and wilt and it is spreading to the top of the plant, the beefmasters also have this but definatley not as bad. May it be that I’ve planted them late, because one of the grape tomatoes had just turned red last week, but the beefmasters are only tiny buds. I don’t think it’s frost cause the nights have been warm. And just another detail they are not planted in the ground, they are in large flower pots. I thought spider mites was the problem but when I sprayed it with bug stuff from Lowes the spider webs disappeared but not the yellowing And wilting. I don’t over water them, nor or they under watered! Please help!

Best answer:

Answer by Johnny
Unless you have a pot about the size of a 1/2 barrel, it is hard to water and fertilize correctly. With such a small amount of soil, your fertilize leaches too fast and the tomato plants will need watering constantly. I don’t know where you are but the hot weather we have been having this summer has been murder on our tomatoes.

All of my first crop tomatoes have done the same thing. I planted some later and they are just now starting to bear fruit since it has cooled off a bit and are looking good.

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  1. from what I’ve noticed, yeah.

  2. my tomaters are outside but they’re all green still it sucks!

  3. When flowers get pollinated, they close and fall?

  4. Why the hell am i watching this…..

  5. Sounds like you have mental problems. I don’t know.

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