Chili Con Carne for 2 / How to Make Your Own Tomato Juice

In this video I show you how to make you own tomato juice and then commence with making chili con carne for two. A note about your own homemade tomato juice….

Question by neurodoc68: What are your airplane drinking habits?
For example, I tend to order gingerale on an airplane when I never seem to buy/drink that at home or restaurants. I have spoken to others who only drink tomato juice on an airplane but nowhere else. Others have reported to me that they drink Bloody Mary mix on an airplane and don’t drink it elsewhere. Do you have any funny airplane drinking habits to share?

Best answer:

Answer by stella39
I drink gingerale also. My second choice is tomato juice. That is so funny. I don’t drink these two any where else. What does that mean, I wonder. lol


Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. In filipino we would say “Kar-Ne” with the ehhh sound (:

  2. looks good :D

  3. That’s something good to know about the tomato juice. where’s the mushrooms and celery?

  4. Oh that looks so good!!!! I don’t have the tomatoe paste or tomatoe juice. I wonder how v8 spicy would work with this. Maybe I’ll try, seeings thats all i have in the house. ha

  5. I can actually smell it!

  6. Don’t you love how easy chili is? Throw some stuff in a pot; darn near anything remotely resembling chili and cook it. Dinner is ready. I love that you use an extra large pot — so much less stove scrubbing! :) Instead of salt, consider trying just mexican seasoning; oregano, red pepper – ground or flaked, whatever sounds good. Say, has anyone ever mentioned that cool spoon? Giggle.

  7. :)

  8. my cats beg for chicken the most. you should see them circling me like sharks when i make chicken. they are not meant to be on counters but no doubt the little buggers get up on the counter when i have it cooking in the crockpot :) gretchen almost can get the lid off. i may have to use the travel lock function when i make it… not sure if that is bad for the crockpot. hmm

  9. looks simple and delicious! yum! Love your vids!

  10. Yep, I think we were all due for it!

  11. I know, right? we hadn’t either! 

  12. hehe me too!

  13. Looks good!

    I’ve never used tomato juice to make chili. Just tomato paste, tomato sauce, and stewed tomatoes. (Or better, fire roasted.) Hmm… I’m about due for a batch, too, and it seems like you jolted both me and wildheart5 at the same time.

  14. That reminds me, I haven’t made chili in a long time! This looks good!!

  15. oh my goodness. It is a balmy 79 here with no trades, so I have the fan on. Thanks much for the get well wishes.

  16. ZOMG I can barely wait LOL!!! Scott would be all over that in an instant. In fact, tonight we are having chili dogs per his request :)

  17. I did not have a can of tomato juice (OR SO I THOUGHT!–I am better at stashing things than I thought, as I found a five pack–used one already) to match sodium count on it. But the difference in sodium is mind-boggling. Home made with the paste = 100 mg for the three cups of tomato juice I made. 1880 if I used the prepared stuff. In.credible.

  18. bwahaha <3 Patrick :)

  19. Hummm, it’s brisk here on the mainland, wish I had some of that!

  20. It is cold & blustery here today so chili would be perfect!


  21. As usual, I was listening and watching and Pat (who is reading the paper) said to me “start it again, please”.
    How cool is that? – roc

  22. I think my Grandma used to make this, look familiar. Quick dish!

  23. yummy yummy yummy :) 

  24. I make tomato sauce that way (with just one can of water). There are substitutions for so many things just a short google search away.

  25. I actually have a chuckwagon chilli recipe that is “to be edited” that consists of dumping a whole bunch of cans into a pot and adding “gasp”…. hot dog weiners. My “can you please do healthy vegan food“ people are going to flip, lol.


  27. idk if it quite the same thing but u know how they ask u a couple of times what you want i alwayz get a ginger ale then a fanta, then a ginger ale, and so on. i never noticed it until i was on a trip to France with sum friends and one of them noticed and started taking bets with others on what i would get next. He made a good amount of money. Gotta love my friends! =)

  28. First class: AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE
    Coach: water or cranberry juice. I tend to stay away from the carbonated drinks, just so that I’m not burping and farting…it’s rude to the guy next to me.

  29. I too like bloody mary mix or V8 juice jazzed up with lime, pepper and horseradish if I can get it. I also drink lots more water than usual too due to the dry cabin environment.

  30. Provide me with Fruit juices of any kind and I’m onboard!!!

  31. I steer clear of alcohol on airplanes as I just don’t like the extra buzz you get when you drink while flying.

    I usually have Diet Coke, ginger ale, or fizzy water.

    You know, I think ginger ale is an American thing. It’s not something people drink regularly in the UK but on flights to/from the US I noticed a lot of Americans asking for ginger ale. I tried some and really liked it, so I order it sometimes.

    One though I was in business class and when they came round with the trolley I was about to order a Diet Coke when I spied my childhood favourite, Um Bongo!! The stewardess just about fell over laughing when I asked for that. I mean, they only carry it for kids really. (FYI, Um Bongo is a mixed fruit juice drink in the UK, it had a reaaaaally cool ad in the eighties with a catchy theme tune.)

  32. Well, I don’t usually sleep to well on aeroplanes, but when I do travel on a long haul flight, I ALWAYS do the following:

    Just before dinner, I will order 50ml brandy, and 200ml Coke…..Mix them and drink it slowly…. Have dinner, get some bottled water for the rest of the flight….and then…….

    ZZZZZZzzZZZ…that brandy is powerful stuff!

    Otherwise, on domestic flights, just soft drinks and water. Got to keep hydrated!

    PS: this only when I’m a passenger…Not while I’m operating crew on an aircraft LOLOL

  33. At 30,000 feet is pretty much the only place I drink Baileys. Somehow it seems so much nicer up there.

  34. I ask for apple juice instead of soda (avoid the bubbles). I’m too cheap to pay for the booze.
    I’m guessing the reason we ask for something we don’t usually buy is because we like it but not enough to drink a whole jug or 6-pack. That’s what we’d have to buy in a store.

  35. I don’t understand drinking tomato or bloody mary mix on the plane as they both have so much sodium in them and you swell up.

  36. Mostly just water. I bring a water bottle with me whenever a travel, and fill it after I go through security. I’d almost always have a water bottle with me anyway since I’ll want it when I get there, so I might as well fill it.

    Appart from that I sometimes drink apple juice or soda, and I don’t really ever drink either one otherwise. Or I sometimes have tea if I want caffeine on a morning flight, but I drink tea other times as well.

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