Cleaning Planting Tomato Fields Spanish

Cleaning Planting Tomato Fields Spanish

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Question by michael s: why do weed plants grow more when in company with tomato plants?
i have no idea why, i know tomato plants have normal photosynthesis, they take in carbon dioxide + light to produce oxygen and other stuff. The cannabis plants only start to grow more when the tomato plants become fully grown why is this? Is there a study that can help me, i just want to know for science reasons I DO NOT HAVE A CANNABIS FARM

Best answer:

Answer by La Cucaracha
If the cannabis plant starts taking off once the Tomatoe plant is grown..maybe it has something to do with the nitrogen the tomato plant is sucking up. The tomato plant DOES require more nitrogen while its growing its leafy parts. Once the flowers appear the energy goes into the fruit production and not as much in the leafy parts. Unless , of course you pinch the flowers off..

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1 Comment

  1. Cannabis and tomato plants are both C3 plants, to my knowledge growing one next to the other has no bearing on growth rate, who told you it did? because if that’s the case every cannabis grower in the world would grow the two together and they don’t as far as im aware.

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