Clusker’s Tomato Juice – MADTV

This is for Entertainment purposes only. I do not own this video and all rights belong to Quincy Jones/David Salzman Entertainment and Warner Brothers Televi…
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Question by Theta40: Why can’t I keep the juice in metal container?
My tomato juice container’s label says:
Keep the unused portion refrigerated in a glass or plastic container.
I don’t have a big glass or plastic one…

Best answer:

Answer by Pondering Reality
Because the acid in the juice will corrode the metal container and the metal will leech into the fluid.

You don’t want that!

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  1. metal gives it a weird taste

  2. Because the acid in the juice causes toxins to leech out of the metal container.

  3. i have heard the acid in it will eat the can and you don’t want that going into your system

  4. the acid in the juice will pit a metal container over time and you will lose the flavor of the juice to the taste of metal

  5. Metal corrodes. Very fast after you’ve opened it. You will be drinking rust in two days time.

    Fork out the $ 2 at a dollar store and get a pitcher with a lid.

  6. Because the acid in the juice reacts w/the can to give a “tinny” flavor. Don’t think it’s harmful, though. Just alters the taste.

  7. The acid in the juice will leech the metal from the container into the juice.

    In the Middle Ages, tomatoes were believed to be poisonous.
    What happened was that they were normally served on pewter plates, and pewter is an alloy of lead and some other metals. Everyone who ate tomatoes got lead poisoning.

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