Max Amini talks about his mother and organic tomato juice during his stand up comedy show Exotic Imports at Comedy Store, Hollywood, California. Exotic Impor…
Question by Zaku: Why is there so much sodium in canned tomato juice?
I picked up a can of Campbells Tomato juice tonight (the can like a soda can to drink) and I thoroughly enjoyed it, but I am curious about why it takes so much sodium to make one can of tomato juice?
Sodium 980mg 41% of the suggested daily intake
I realize salt is a preservative, but why so much, since tomatos are acidic already.
Any thoughts are appreciated.
Best answer:
Answer by billyandgaby
Salt taste that good.
It really is that simple.
Tomoto juice taste like nothing without it.
Give your answer to this question below!
i just nearly vomited from tomato juice…. it was so digusting OMFG!!! – by danielsahyounie (daniel sahyounie)
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Salt is a preservative. That’s why just about everything canned is loaded with sodium.
Because people “throughly enjoy” salty tomato juice and campbell’s is happy to oblige.