Comedy: Max Amini – Organic Tomato Juice at Comedy Store

Max Amini talks about his mother and organic tomato juice during his stand up comedy show Exotic Imports at Comedy Store, Hollywood, California. Exotic Impor…

Question by Zaku: Why is there so much sodium in canned tomato juice?
I picked up a can of Campbells Tomato juice tonight (the can like a soda can to drink) and I thoroughly enjoyed it, but I am curious about why it takes so much sodium to make one can of tomato juice?

Sodium 980mg 41% of the suggested daily intake

I realize salt is a preservative, but why so much, since tomatos are acidic already.

Any thoughts are appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by billyandgaby
Salt taste that good.

It really is that simple.

Tomoto juice taste like nothing without it.

Give your answer to this question below!

i just nearly vomited from tomato juice…. it was so digusting OMFG!!! – by danielsahyounie (daniel sahyounie)

Related Tomato Juice Articles


  1. Salt is a preservative. That’s why just about everything canned is loaded with sodium.

  2. Because people “throughly enjoy” salty tomato juice and campbell’s is happy to oblige.


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