Day #9.1, New Year Juice Feast/Cleanse – Spicy Sangha Tomato Soup

Aloha Sangha! Tonight it was on in the kitchen, Brother Echo got his wizardry on and created a new soup recipe inspired by fellow Raw foodie “Storm” out of F…
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Question by The Unknown Avatar: What happened to tomato soup?
It’s been a while since I’ve bought a can of condensed tomato soup but I used to eat it a lot and I remember it being red and very thick when it came out of the can, not orange and thin. It doesn’t taste the same either – the tang is gone. Did the recipe change? And was sugar always the 2nd or 3rd ingredient? I don’t remember that either. It tastes awfully sweet.
I’m referring to ALL brands, not just Campbells. It used to be so thick that if you weren’t careful when you mixed in the water, it would be lumpy. Now it’s so thin you can just dump a can of water in with it and it stirs right up. I don’t remember sugar or corn syrup being listed as one of the top ingredients either. Any older people here who know what I’m talking about?

Best answer:

Answer by PureSnipe
Campbells? Any time I get that, it’s been right. (The way you described you remembering)

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. @infowitch You send me some snow I’ll send you some beach sand!!! ALOHA!

  2. @explicitlaydee TASTE good too! Hope you’re having an amazing day!!!

  3. WOWOWOW wife and I just made this and can’t believe how good it is! Thanks
    for sharing!!

  4. @figure8designs woo hoo awesome, juice it up! :-)

  5. @Davidwhat yup… :-) thanks for the 411 brother! Namaste :-)

  6. @monteros Thank you for the insight. Is there any difference between leeks
    and scallons or any root veggie? Thanks, -BE :-)

  7. @RandomDumbBlonde It’s been a while since I have been in such heavy rain,
    it was nice. Normally I would lay by a window and fall asleep! :-)

  8. a leek is a type of onion like a giant scallion… also limes do have
    seeds, unless they’re are genetically modified not to. thanks for the
    recipes. 😉

  9. @ColeeLocks Thank you for the LOVE, hope you try it… it’s good! :-)

  10. You can really hear the rain pouring down, gives this video a nice
    ambience. Thanks for the recipe brother echo, looks like a spicy one.

  11. correction… seedless limes are classified as a parthenocarpic fruit,
    meaning the flowers don’t require pollen to make fruit. Though some fruits
    are bred to have no seeds, seedless limes are also naturally occurring.

  12. That looks so good! Goood job! :)

  13. @hero2006 GetRdone!

  14. @JuggaloOzi yeah pretty crazy night!!! Power went out it was wild times in
    Maui! Thanks for tuning in to Raw Sangha sending some Aloha your way.
    Namaste, -BE :-)

  15. How long have you been raw brother? I just saw your profile, i thought you
    were in your early 20’s..

  16. Leeks are crazy dirty by nature, their physical design is such that it
    collects dirt – just an fyi. You may wish to consider slicing the leek
    lengthwise then separate it in a water bath and wash the dirt off :)
    Blessings and gratitude Brother. =D

  17. Yummy! The rain made this video even more beautiful:o)

  18. OMG! just made it! yummers! very nipply here in new england. expecting 1-1
    1/2 feet of snow in the next 36 hours! thank you, thank you! since shedding
    100 lbs. my insulation is gone! definitely need the fire in the belly! u
    rawk, babe!

  19. @RawSangha Yeah totally – but leeks are really dirty in general, the leaf
    growth grows in such a way that it kind of scoops upward and tends to
    capture dirt between leaf growth. Not a lot, but some times it can be :) I
    don’t use a lot of scallions – yet, but from my experience they don’t tend
    to be as dirty =D

  20. @ludachristo next month will be one year! :-)

  21. A must try!!

  22. looks yummy! love your enthusiasm in this vid, and the background rain
    water was great.

  23. If you ever have a problem with a product you should be calling the company and not posting here. That is why the company supplies a phone number. They got the answers on all of their products. They also may send you some coupons.

    I am sure I am as old as the person asking this question if not older. I am retired.

    I have a can of Campbell’s Tomato Soup right here. The phone number is: 1-800-257-8443 for any questions.

    Ingredients are: tomato puree, high frutose corn syrup, wheat flour, salt, spice extract, vitamin c, citric acid.

    So this mean that it is almost half sugar. I hardly ever use it: Thank God.

  24. A couple things might have gone wrong here. You can make condensed tomato soup with water, milk, or half of both. Try it both ways to see which suits you better! I prefer water to preserve the tanginess, but sometimes the creaminess of milk is nice too. Also, make sure you have the original, not the low sodium (green on the label) or creamy or some other variety. Try a few different types and I’m sure you’ll find your happy memory!

  25. The companies are all going through a recession. Its harder to maintain a product when you don’t have the money to do so.

  26. Yes, I remember – it came out of the can in a solid cylinder and you had to carefully combine it with milk (or water) or it was lumpy.

    Nowadays, it pours out of the can as thin as tomato sauce and tastes like it’s already been watered down – I’m guessing that the “tomato concentrate” is not the quality as in past years. sigh.

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