DillonAteThat.com Presents: Fried Green Tomatoes

Dillon makes Fried Green Tomatoes for ya – straight out the garden. And . . . ahem. . . this is a promotional item for my upcoming album with Paten Locke – “…
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Question by HJR: Background on Green Tomatoes?
Do Green Tomatoes continue continue to ripe to red after picked? Are they equal to red in quality? Need a little background information. Thanks,

Best answer:

Answer by JeepJeep!!!
Yes they will ripen to a point. As far as nutritional quality ripened tomatoes are the best.

Give your answer to this question below!


  1. Dope shit. Snupe cam Provided by… Snupe

  2. Not really, unless the greenish is fading. More information which helps you a lot of in getting red and juicy tomatoes.

  3. A year ago I would have told you a green tomato is just an unripe red tomato. Now tomato breeders have developed a tomato that stays green when ripe called “Granny Smith” like the green apple. Now I’ll give you the answer I would have given last year. If you take a “nearly” ripe green tomato and put on a sunny window sill it will ripen into a “nearly” perfect red ripe one. However, if you try this with on one too immature you end up with a red tomato similar to a store bought version. Nothing beats a red ripe tomato fresh from the garden! I should mention fried green tomatoes, they’re battered and fried “nearly” ripe ones. RScott

  4. If you put them in a box/ drawer/cupboard with one or two apples they will ripen quicker due to the gas that apples produce!. A well tried method. And they should be nearly as good as fresh picked ripe tomatoes.

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