Easy Tomato Soup for Kids

Easy Tomato Soup for Kids

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Question by Taylor: What are some good foods that I can eat after getting my wisdom teeth removed?
I feel like I’ve been eating the same things over and over again and none of them seem to be that filling! So far, I’ve had apple sauce, yogurt, smoothies, snow cones, ice cream, tomato soup, oatmeal, mashed potatoes, and bananas. Are there any other fun foods that I can eat?

I can’t chew on anything, drink through a straw, or have anything carbonated.

Best answer:

Answer by pennybarr
I recently had major dental work done and had the same problem. Canned tuna or salmon with mayo, fresh cooked salmon, chicken and vegetable soups, all pureed in a food processor. A blender works also. Some of it actually tasted OK. I also managed to swallow overcooked pasta that I mashed up. You can puree anything in a food processor. I even managed to eat some cookies by breaking off pieces and just letting them melt in my mouth. I did keep an empty cup and a cup filled with water at the table, I’d rinse my mouth after two or three mouthfuls of mush and spit it into the empty. Sort of gross, but I ate alone most of the time. I hope you heal quickly and without any problems.

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