Edward’s Live Kitchen Ep24 Spicy tomato soup with fried sweet peppers and goat cheese

Spicy tomato soup with fried sweet peppers and goat cheese The charming, spicy taste of tomato soup enhanced by crunchy, deep-fried goat cheese… Tomato com…
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Question by me 4 ever: tomato paste…………..tomato soup?
i want to make tomato soup out of tomato paste using just 1 jar. of tomato paste.
i need this to be realt tasty. for 7. i just want it plan starwberrys or peunuts. lol
somthing kid wouldnt get picky about and would go great with grill cheese!!!!!!!!!

Best answer:

Answer by Healthy Guy
well, mix the paste with about 5 parts water and add a good amount of salt…use HOT HOT water, and boil it together while whisking…..

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  1. Use milk to thin the paste to soup consistency. I hope it is a large jar of paste to feed seven. Season to taste.

  2. Fry some onions and garlic, you could add other veggies too, like carrot, mushrooms, celery and/or raw tomatoes. You could also add cream.season with salt and pepper or with lemon juice if you hadn’t added cream.

  3. With the tomato paste you are going to have to use some olive oil and sort of cook it first. It has to cook a bit. I don’t know if it will work but use some garlic powder, onion powder some salt and sugar……then add water until you get the consistency you like, but you are going to have to taste this over and again to get the spices right. i agree campbells would be best for kids but give it a try anyway you never know. You may need a little creme or milk just to thicken it but not too much cause you don’t want it milky at all.

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