EZ transplanting tip and 13 foot tall tomato plant!

Transplanting does not have to be scary, difficult or damaging for your plants. Take a look at just how EASY and fun it can be. While you’re here, take a pee…


  1. Swat them plants hahaha

  2. Knowledge is power. Thanks for this video and all your videos. Keep em

  3. how do you pollinate them indoors?

  4. Holy crap that was a fast response! Okay, I’m with you man. But just so you
    know that my reality is at least as fun as yours… IF they should pull up
    in front pf your place in their evil death star answer the door wearing a
    tinfoil hat with a piece of raw meat tucked between your butt cheeks then
    run around your livingroom in circles, flapping your arms while reciting
    the pledge of allegiance.

  5. Sounds good to me. :)

  6. Low growing my butt :P. Was it a GMO or a hybrid? It’s like a stocky grape
    vine :).

  7. It can be done but I never take my indoor plants outside. The risk of
    bringing in insects is too high.

  8. Sounds like a great idea! I’m in zone 4 in sw Minnesota. :)

  9. lo growing tomatoe bush my left foot….. you go ray!!!! its a beauty for

  10. Ray, do you take your tropical plants outside in the summer and bring them
    back in in the fall? I am doing avocado and didn’t know if it was good to
    let them have summer weather and then bring them back inside in the fall or
    if it is too much of a shock for the plants

  11. Pollinate by fly swatter? I need to know how to do that! Show me how you do
    that, please?? I would love to try growing a tomato vine inside my foyer!

  12. What ever happened to your pumpkins and melons?

  13. great info ray..That tomato plant looks amazing!

  14. Miracle Gro? I thought you do organic gardening? Or do you just use that
    crap for indoor plants?

  15. DO IT! DO IT NOW!!!

  16. Praxxman you are amazing. You even have the monster house trained. Great
    video, keep them coming Dude.

  17. You mean to say that there is another Evil Empire besides Super Duper Wally
    world? lol Wowzer that’s a big tomato plant

  18. Referring to his comment “Take THAT you evil deathstar corporation!”

  19. Wow! Tomatoes grown indoors! That’s amazing! I’m going to do this now I
    know it can be done.

  20. Now that is a tomato plant. Thanks for the transplanting advice. I have
    killed some plants with faulty transplanting technique in the past, so this
    really helps. Keep up the good work.

  21. weres ur coco tree


  23. ( I don’t want to kill them. Do you have any false tomato mustaches? ( Or
    Beards? ))

  24. Just a hybrid.

  25. Ray – that tomato plant is something else. Where oh where do you get these
    ideas from? Amazing! Give Rascal a hug for me.

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