Fancy Tomato Salad Recipe| August Cooking | Easy Vegetarian Recipe | How to Cook | Tomato Recipe Fancy Tomato Salad Recipe| August Cooking | Easy Vegetarian Recipe | How to Cook | Tomato Recipe In this video I show you how to…
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Question by SunnyMoon: Does anyone have a recipe for an authentic Italian eggplant salad?
Way back in the 80’s, I visited a wonderful homey authintic Italian resturant. We were servered an eggplant salad before the meal that was so fine, even now I think about it. Does anyone have a great recipie for a chilled eggplant salad they care to share?

Best answer:

Answer by auerboonies88
if you are talking about pickled eggplant my grandma made this one -peel the skin off and make into strips use a big pot under a stranier put the eggplant in it pour salt which helps draw the water out than put some weigets on it once you cover it like a can of sauce or such for weights.once you do that you can add good olive oil white vineagar garlic and such also olives let stay for a few days to pickle plasce in jars it will last for awhile dont worry about the oil looking cloudy it willl be fine it is just cold good luck

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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  1. You and me both! :)

  2. This is my kind of salad!!!

  3. Thanks! Sometimes the simplest things are the tastiest! :)

  4. Great job of plating and simple yet lovely salad wonder I keep coming back for more :)

  5. I loved this! :) <3

  6. Thanks! I just ate it again for dinner! :)

  7. If you eat local, you eat fresh! :) I also like to say, “Spend it where you earn it!” Thanks for checking out my rib pic and my video!

  8. Yum that’s a magnificent tomato salad. Love it thank you!

  9. August, that looks amazing brother! Freshness at it’s best, and I love feta cheese!

  10. Look online.

  11. It’s called “caponata”, and I’ll bet if you Google it there will be many recipes out there on the ‘net. Main ingredients are: cubed peeled eggplant, chopped white onion, chopped green pepper, tomato paste, chopped whole tomatoes, sliced green olives, olive oil [to sautee most of the above in], chopped celery, oregano & basil flakes, and thrown in at the last, a handful of pignoles [which are pine nuts or pinon nuts]. My aunt Adelina Letitzia made this and it was a Real Project…lots of chopping, sauteeing, combining and simmering until the veggies are done. Good news: when you make a lot, you can freeze it in little tubs for future use [it won’t look as pretty as the fresh batch, but the taste stays wonderful]. It’s super globbed onto chunks of French crusty bread. Look up the recipe for amounts…I haven’t made it in years and don’t even have Aunt Addie’s recipe anywhere anymore. It’s also called “eggplant caviar” [Google this too while you’re at it!] and boy is it GOOOOOOD.


    1 eggplant
    1 sm. onion, grated
    1 tsp. sugar
    2 tbsp. sugar
    1/2 tsp. salt
    1 tbsp. salad oil
    2 tomatoes, sliced

    Pierce holes in the eggplant with a fork. Place in a glass baking dish and bake in a hot oven (400 F.) until tender. Cool slightly and peel. Chop fine.
    Combine the onions, sugar, lemon juice and salt, then stir into the eggplant. Cool. Just before serving add the salad oil. Heap in the center of a platter and garnish with tomato slices and parsley. Serves 6.

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