Fruit & Vegetable Juice With a Juicer : How to Make Tomato Juice From Fresh Tomatoes

Fruit & Vegetable Juice With a Juicer : How to Make Tomato Juice From Fresh Tomatoes

Tomato juice is rich in nutrients, especially when made from fresh tomatoes. Create fresh juice for your quenching pleasure with help from a nutritional expe…
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Question by Tina: how come black people like to drink tomato juice instead of apple juice?
has anyone realized this? at college, the teacher offered apple juice or tomato juice and the black people chose tomato. Does anyone know the reason?

Best answer:

why do white people love coke? like at school there was pepsi or coke, and all the white people took the coke. do you know the reason? like has anybody realised this about white people

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. I love apple juice and I hate tomato juice so I don’t know…

  2. huh? What if I drink mix drink with tomato and apple juice together?

  3. Who fuc*ing cares? Like, it’s not a racial thing. I like tomato juice too, and I’m not black but Irish-American!

  4. I guess neither sprite, kool-aid, or 40s were available.

  5. hey ! tomato juice is actually very healthy and good for skin ! you silly. and so what if they love tomato juice?

  6. I’ve always liked apple juice.

  7. *throws hands in the air*
    Jesus, why do you let these people live?!

  8. Why do white people love to eat Mashed potato?

  9. Because they prefer it. Why didn’t you ask somebody in class if it’s so important. Were you afraid to? Maybe that irrational fear is why you didn’t ask? All you had to do was say. “Why do you like tomato juice?”. It would have been a lot easier that having everyone make fun of your here. Tomato juice is healthier, apple juice is really just sugar water with a little flavoring added. Just more health conscious.


  10. Eh, I hate tomato juice.

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